Designs, Pictures, and Idea Butterfly Tattoos

Designs, Pictures, and Idea Butterfly Tattoos1Butterfly tattoos can hold a variety of different meanings. If you’re not already on the bandwagon for a butterfly tattoo perhaps I can persuade you with the following information. Below I have given some information on what butterfly tattoos can represent, facts about butterflies, as well as testimonials from people that have received butterfly tattoo designs. Please keep in mind that a butterfly tattoo can represent different things to different people, below are just some brief examples.
Butterfly Symbolism

* Represents the fragility of life
* Transformation or change as well as love and joy
* Simplicity
* Peace
* A new life
* A new beginning
* Serves as a reminder to make changes when the opportunities arise
* The butterfly flight appears as though its dancing, a reminder not to take things so seriously

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At first a butterfly is an ugly caterpillar and nobody even thinks to give it a second look. With time and dedication it transforms into something breathtaking. The metamorphosis process makes the butterfly a powerful symbol for transformation. Throughout our life we will be faced with change and transformation. A butterfly tattoo is an excellent way to remember that change, the dedication it took, and serves as a constant reminder to make the necessary changes when the opportunities present themselves.
Butterfly Facts

* About 28,000 known butterfly species throughout the world
* Butterflies weigh as little as two rose petals (could incorporate this into your tattoo design)
* The wings of a butterfly are actually transparent; the vivid colors are due to overlapping bright scales
* Butterflies only fly during the day
* You won’t kill a butterfly by touching its wings

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